I tried McDonald's 'Kokumi Angus Beef Bolognese Gracoro', which is the best match for Gracoro and 'Kokumi' coarsely ground meat Bolognese.

From December 1, 2021 (Wednesday), ' Kokumi Angus Beef Bolognese Gracoro ' has appeared in the menu of McDonald's winter classic 'Gracoro'. The limited-time burger, which appeared in the season when you miss the crispy outside and the hot gratin croquette inside, has a 'rich' bolognese sauce and creamy white sauce of gracoro, which is made by adding ripe tomatoes to coarsely ground Angus beef. Excellent compatibility. I was curious about the combination of Bolognese sauce and Gracoro, which was the first time in history, so I actually bought it at McDonald's and tried it.

The winter classic 'Gracoro®' that concludes the year is back again this year! A new menu 'Kokumi Angus Beef Bolognese Gracoro' is also available! | McDonald's Japan


The winter classic 'Gracoro®' that concludes McDonald's year is back again this year! There is also a new product, 'Angus Beef Bolognese Gracoro,' which has a rich and flesh-like sauce. | McDonald's Japan

Arrived at McDonald's.

The appearance of Gracoro is appealing at the store.

That's why I bought 'Kokumi Angus Beef Bolognese Gracoro' for takeout and came back.

When you open the wrapping paper, it looks like this.

The height of the burger is actually about 7 cm. Steamed buns with butter are used, and you can see that the buns are plump when viewed from the side.

The diameter of the buns was about 8 cm.

The ingredients are bolognese sauce, gratin croquette, chopped cabbage, and egg sauce using minced Angus beef.

When you try it, the creamy taste of white sauce that overflows from the crunchy clothes of Gracoro and the juicy meat taste of Bolognese sauce spread in your mouth. Bolognese sauce has a refreshing sourness of tomatoes and a faint aroma of red wine that adds depth to the taste of meat, giving it a truly 'rich taste'. You can enjoy the hot and rich gratin croquette and the taste of coarsely ground Angus beef at the same time, so I felt that it was a perfect hamburger for hunger in the cold season.

'Kokumi Angus Beef Bolognese Gracoro' can be ordered at McDonald's nationwide from December 1, 2021 (Wednesday), and the price is 390 yen including tax. It is available at any time of the day, so you can eat it at the timing of the morning mac.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1l_ks