Armenia and Azerbaijan clash over Nagorno-Karabakh region, both proclaim martial law

The Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which once made up the Soviet Union, have long been in conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. On Sunday, September 27, 2020, tensions intensified and a collision occurred since July. Victims, including civilians, were on both sides. In response to this, Armenian Prime Minister Pasignan and Azerbaijan's President Ariev are both issuing martial law.

Azerbaijan and Armenia fight casualties again tensions | NHK News

Massive battles in disputed territories, multiple dead Armenia and Azerbaijan:

Azәrbaycanda hәrbi vәziyyәt vә komendant saati elan olunur --Azer Times

Nagorno-Karabakh dispute: Armenia, Azerbaijan standoff explained | Asia | Al Jazeera

Armenia, Azerbaijan renew clashes over contested Nagorno-Karabakh region

Nagorno-Karabakh has long been a source of conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis (Azerbaijanis), with the most recent armed conflicts in April 2016, May 2017, and July 2020, killing civilians. It has come out.

According to the Armenian side, 'Azerbaijan provoked' and according to the Azerbaijani side, 'Armenia has attacked military facilities', it is unknown how it started. However, it seems that both sides, including civilians, have been sacrificed.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan tweeted that there were missile attacks and air raids from Azerbaijan, shooting down two helicopters and three UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and destroying three tanks.

Armenia's President Armen Sarkissian said, 'This war violates the right to live freely in Alzaf (the Nagorno Karabakh region) and have a dignified and peaceful life and a future,' said Azerbaijan's military action. We have issued a statement of condemnation.

Համախմբումը մեր հաղթանակների անվերապահ գրավականն է Հանրապետության նախագահ Արմեն Սարգսյանի ուղերձը -. Մամուլի հաղորդագրություններ - Լրատվություն - Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Նախագահ

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan's White House Chief of Staff Hikumet Hajiev has accused Armenia of using force.

Armenian tanks dispatched to solidify the border

This is an Armenian tank released by the Azerbaijani side.

Düşmən zirehli texnikasını döyüş meydanında ataraq qaçır --VİDEO --YouTube

Armenian vehicle destroyed by Azerbaijani drone attack

Düş mənin döyüş texnikaları məhv edilib --VİDEO --YouTube

In response to this situation, the United States held a telephone conversation with the foreign ministers of both countries and demanded an immediate suspension of hostilities.

U.S. demands immediate suspension of hostilities Armenia, Azerbaijan clash: current affairs dot com

The Tass news agency also reports that the Russian Foreign Ministry is demanding a ceasefire.

Russian Foreign Ministry calls on parties to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to cease fire --Russian Politics & Diplomacy --TASS

in Note,   Video, Posted by logc_nt