It turns out from a movie taken accidentally that 450 tons of huge meteorites collided with Jupiter

In August 2019, amateur celestial photographer

Ethan Chapelle captured the luminous phenomenon that occurred on the surface of Jupiter. At the planetary science conference ` ` EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 '' held in Switzerland from September 15 to 20, 2019 , the luminous phenomenon confirmed in August was `` Evidence that meteorite collided with Jupiter '' It was announced.

Jupiter 2019-08-07 04:28 UTC-Chappel Astro

Stony-iron meteor caused August impact flash at Jupiter – Europlanet Society

We Now Know What Smashed Into Jupiter Last Month

The luminous phenomenon of Jupiter was taken by chance on August 7, 2019 at 4:07 (Coordinated Universal Time) when Mr. Chapelle was observing the Perseid meteor shower. The luminescence itself was an instant, but it was revealed for the first time by the open source software “ DeTeCt ” that can visualize the slight effects seen in Jupiter.

The luminescence phenomenon that seems to be a trace of something hitting Jupiter can be seen in the following movie.

Impact on Jupiter on 2019-08-07 at 4:07 UTC (Correct Speed)-YouTube

Jupiter is reflected in the image below. The parallel stripe pattern is characteristic.

A spot of light is born for a moment in the lower left of Jupiter and disappears immediately.

The fact that the light reached 750 million km away from Jupiter means that the luminous phenomenon emitted a lot of energy. The movie shot by Chapelle was analyzed for a month by a team of astronomers at the Florida Institute of Technology.

As a result, it became clear that the luminescence phenomenon was “a trace of a meteorite meteorite with a diameter of 12 to 16 meters and 450 tons hitting Jupiter”. The meteorite collapsed 80 km above Jupiter's cloud, and the energy released at the time of collision was 240 kilotons in terms of TNT. This is equivalent to about 16 times the energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945.

Astronomers at Southern Queensland University, Jonty Horner said, “A celestial impact on Jupiter is very short in just a few seconds. It is almost never noticed even when observed through an astronomical telescope lens. 'I was surprised that this luminescence phenomenon was accidentally shot.'

This is not the first time that a celestial collision with Jupiter has been confirmed. The first example of a celestial collision with Jupiter in the history of space observation was the collision of the 9th comet of Shoemaker Levi in 1994. Founded in 1993 by planetary scientists Eugene Schumaker and David Levy, Shoemaker Levy 9th comet was caught in Jupiter's gravitational sphere from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Clash in July of the year.

In September 2012, a light emission phenomenon that seems to be the result of a celestial body colliding with Jupiter was confirmed . It is speculated that a luminescent phenomenon may have occurred because a tiny celestial body such as a comet, a meteor, or a small asteroid collided with Jupiter. The following movie shows Jupiter's luminous phenomenon confirmed in 2012.

Jupiter impact 9/10/2012-YouTube

The light emission phenomenon captured by Chapelle this time is really instantaneous, but it was the second brightest observational history of an astronomical impact on Jupiter. “The discovery has revitalized the community of amateur astronomers, and the number of observers and the amount of data processed has increased rapidly,” said amateur astronomer who developed DeTeCt. Astronomers want to use DeTeCt on a daily basis to make use of the slight effects discovered in the analysis of Jupiter and Saturn's video observations in their astronomical research. '

in Science, Posted by log1i_yk