Succeeded in regaining a smile by `` realizing '' the hero of `` DOOM '' with neural network


attempt by a Reddit user to evolve the icon of the main character Doomguy of the masterpiece game `` DOOM '' released in 1993 to a modern realistic expression using a StyleGAN encoder utilizing `` StyleGAN '' developed by NVIDIA, a major semiconductor manufacturer Is being done.

Neural network generated drawings of the man from Doom: interestingasfuck

Someone Used a Neural Network to Draw Doom Guy in High-Res

Reddit user zergling103 first started Doomguy's realization project. Mr. zergling103 is DOOM dealing with the topic of the relationship between the Reddit / R / Doom 'FaceApp, to Waifu2x titled, tried to raise the resolution of the face of Doomguy using the Gimp' post gave a.

The first step of Doomguy's realization is the following image posted in September 2017.



After that, it was not enough to get high resolution alone, and zergling103 started using Dougguy's “realization” using StyleGAN. Face parts that were distorted as a result of using StyleGAN were manually corrected, and Doomguy version 2 and version 3 were created.

Version 2 is this. It's really like a real human.

Version 3 had the comment 'I have a feeling of dad'.



After that, real Doomguy posting by zergling103 stopped, but another Reddit user IMightBeAPenguin posted real Doomguy images. Real Doomguy by IMightBeAPenguin was succumbing vertically and a smile version was also added.

IMightBeAPenguin does not disclose the method of realization in detail, but according to the comment, the neural network does not recognize the low-resolution 'teeth', so a high-resolution 'smile mouth' is added to the original Doomguy After that, it was processed by the neutral network.

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log