Third place in the world cloud hosting service client account is inadvertently locked and business is about to stop working


Gerd Altmann

The number of companies that operate the service provider's infrastructure system and information system using external cloud servers instead of internal servers is increasing year by year. Under these circumstances, it is reported that a cloud hosting company with the world's third largest number of customers accidentally locked a customer's account, and that a client company using a cloud service was forced to stop working almost immediately.

An update on last week's customer shutdown incident

DigitalOcean offers a cloud hosting service with a large number of users centered on SMEs and software developers who can not prepare large-scale servers and high-performance machines on their own, and in 2014 the third in the world It has grown to a hosting provider with a number of hosts . The French venture company Raisup , which provides data analysis tools for companies, is one of the companies that use DigitalOcean's hosting service, and Raisup uses DigitalOcean's services to become the world's second largest electricity company, France Electric Power Co., Ltd. The company provided services to, for example, Europ Assistance , the world's largest travel insurance company.

by bsdrouin

In the evening of May 29, 2019, Raisup's DigitalOcean account has been suddenly locked. Of course Raisup interrogated DigitalOcean, and it was said that the lock was released the next morning, but it was locked again on the same day. Moreover, in response to the second inquiry by Raisup, the response DigitalOcean took over the whole day or more was “unlocking refusal”.

The locked account will cause Raisup to be unable to continue its service offerings and face the loss of all data, including backup data for the past year.

One of Raisup's only two employees, and the only engineer, Nicola Bovee, in his Twitter account, a series of 'a sad long story about how DigitalOcean killed our company,' I posted a tweet and published the process and the interaction with DigitalOcean.

Eventually, DigitalOcean noticed that he had made a mistake and restored Raisup's account on May 31, and apologized by contacting Raisup directly. DigitalOcean explained that 'a human error by two staff members' is the main cause of this situation in the research report posted on the company blog.

Boebe said that 31st May was a two-week vacation first day and tweeted 'Raisup returned online. Come on vacation!' We recommend that you put it aside, 'he emphasized again the importance of redundancy .

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks