What happens if you accidentally refuel gasoline to an oil fan heater?

As winter turns approaching gradually, people who intend to get warm using an oil fan heater should also increase. Although it is necessary to use kerosene as a fuel to operate an oil fan heater, there are cases reported to erroneously refuel gasoline instead of kerosene. What is going to happen if gasoline is refueled to oil fan heater, the movie that the product evaluation technology infrastructure organization (NITE) of independent administrative corporation that actually performs technology evaluation and quality check of industrial products actually tried on YouTube It was released.

【Nite-ps】 fan heater "3. gasoline erroneous lubrication"

First of all it was two poly tanks. Kerosene is contained in the poly tank at the left and gasoline is contained in the poly tank at the right side.

Transfer gasoline to oil supply tank instead of kerosene to be used with oil fan heater ......

Close the cap.

Set an oil tank filled with gasoline to the oil fan heater placed in the middle of the room. When igniting and starting driving ...

Gasoline leaked from the heater body. Because gasoline has high volatility, the internal pressure of the tank rises as a result of warming the tank with heat during operation, and gasoline leaks out.

Since it is difficult to ignite while the fan is rotating, even if gasoline is put in, it is not highly likely to ignite at the first operation. However, once you finish driving and turning off the power, if you ignite the leaking gasoline in a volatile state, there is a possibility of accident.

A man wrapped in protective clothing turned on the oil fan heater from which gasoline leaked out.

When the oil fan heater ignites ......

Fires at a stroke together with a beep.

Melamella and blazing fire envelop the oil fan heater.

Occasionally raising a small explosion sound "Pon", firepipe climbed close to the ceiling in an instant.

There is nothing else to escape if this is done.

Gasoline volatilized inside and around the oil fan heater became fuel and the flame gained momentum. Mokumoku and black smoke wrapped up the room.

So, what to do if you do not want to do this is that it is important not to put gasoline into the poly tank just like kerosene. The Fire Service Law stipulates that gasoline should be included in a special portable can .

Since it is dangerous if you mistake the kerosene and gasoline by any chance, it is important to put it in an apparently different container and store it in a different place.

It is recommended that kerosene be stored in containers conforming to the standards.

The season for the coming season will be the time when the fire caused by the heating fan including the oil fan heater and fire of the pot will increase. When using an oil fan heater, be careful not to mistake the kerosene and gasoline, and it is important not to ignite it absolutely if gasoline is put in.

in Video, Posted by log1h_ik