Pointed out that the figure of the demonstrators to be mobified in France is 'defeat in information warfare'

A protestor protesting the rise in fuel tax in France clashed with a policeman in a mob and the central part of Paris caught in a dangerous condition at one time. Although it is a demonstration activity that seems to go to calm by the postponement of raising the fuel tax for the time being, it is pointed out that extreme behavior by the demonstrators was caused by "information war" using SNS.

France might be losing its first big information war

The French demonstration activity on raising fuel tax occurred as a peaceful activity of wearing a yellow jacket called "Gilets Jaunes" indicating the intention to oppose the policy. However, the peaceful demonstrations gradually became radical and eventually changed to dangerous things with violence. Security researcher x0rz thinks that there was an "information war" that triggered this change, instigating the demonstration activities to be more extreme, mainly SNS.

The following Twitter account " @ Pascal 66616113 " is a typical thing. The account that was just created in December 2018 contains features that are common in bots that give an 8-digit number to the name. If you look closely, "en" (English) is specified in the locale, aside from the icon that emphasizes patriotism, it is a profile that can not be regarded as a French patriot who has a strong attachment to her mother tongue. You can not see the human beingness of a living body simply by attaching a picture based on the idea of ​​"anti-macron" to the contents you tweet.

There are many SNS accounts that encourage such extreme behavior. Some of them are pretending to be fake media.

For example, a Twitter account called " @ 1 Happeningnow ". At first glance it looks like a news media, but the owner is anonymous. This is also a new account you just created a month ago and you will prefer to use hashtags of "# Paris" "# Russia" "# Yellow Vests" "# Ukraine" "# Macron".

Checking the activity of these two Twitter accounts shows the tendency to tweet in the early morning and at night.

Looking up tweets When using visualization with Gephi how the hashtag "#YellowVests" is used with Twarc , it looks like this. Mr. x0rz says that it is noteworthy that the top level influencers with great influence on others are individual accounts rather than general media related accounts.

In analyzing the chain of tweets, influencers who enthusiastically support "Make America Great Again (MAGA)", President Donald Trump 's slogan, were the first influencers of "# Yellow Vests" Odd relevance "was found.

According to Mr. x0rz, these suspicious accounts claiming that "they are fighting for the truth" actually intentionally spread fake news and wrong information. For example, the movie of riots occurring in France which the following " @ buzzman 888 " tweeted was actually taken in 2010 to 2013 and is completely unrelated to the French demo. Despite the fact that no one is wearing a yellow vest in the movie, the tweet that posted this movie seems to be overflowing with comments that abuse the main media not reporting this situation.

Mr. x 0 rz pointed out the situation where there are many people who intentionally spread to fake news spreading activities. In response to the situation, "With facts of one's own, We should have a posture to do. " Mr. x 0 rz also said that "In a world where Clicks are more valuable than the truth, there are cases where a strange story appears even in French media" while lamenting the status quo, "I will yield people's troops without fighting He is a man of good good, "he says.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log