Even 'sleeping over 8 hours' is associated with increased risk of death

by Matheus Bertelli

Professor Matthew Walker of the University of California at Berkeley, the foremost researcher of sleep research, asserts that "If sleeping time is less than 7 hours, it is easy to die prematurely. " However, according to a new study, "sleeping time is too much People also experience rapid death and cardiovascular disease ". The relationship with the increase of mortality rate was shown even in sleep of 8 hours or more.

Self-Reported Sleep Duration and Quality and Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis | Journal of the American Heart Association

Keele University - People who sleep more than eight hours have greater mortality and cardiovascular risk

Sleeping More Than 8 Hours a Night May Be a Deadly Warning Sign

Researchers at Keel University in the UK have researched 74 studies done so far with researchers from the University of Manchester, Leeds University and East Anglia University. The research that became the data source examined the relationship between self-reported "time and quality of sleep" about cardiovascular disease prognosis and mortality rate, and the total number of people surveyed was 3 million or more in total Thing.

A survey revealed that people taking an average of more than 10 hours of sleep per day had an early mortality rate 30% higher than those who had a mean sleep of 7 hours. We also found that people sleeping 10 hours had a 56% greater risk of death from stroke and 49% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease than those who slept for 7 hours. In addition, it has been shown that the rate of coronary artery disease increases by 44% when sleep quality is poor.

by rawpixel.com

"Our findings include an important suggestion that" physicians should think firmly about the sleeping time and quality of patients' sleep "," Chun Shing Kwok, who studied the study, "" If a sleeping pattern of more than 8 hours is found, the doctor should investigate the cardiovascular risk factors and the sleeping sleep apnea syndrome . " The recommended sleeping time is 7 to 8 hours, and as a result of survey, people sleeping for more than 8 hours had a higher relevance to disease and death than those with a sleeping time of 7 hours or less.

However, it should be noted that the sleeping habits that originated from the data are not measured at the research facility, but are self-reported by himself and therefore lack accuracy. In addition, sleep did not affect mind and body, but the mind and body condition may have influenced sleep patterns.

From this, it can be concluded that "sleeping for 8 hours will cause premature death", but it can be said that "oversleep" is a sign that has a potential health risk.

by Buenosia Carol

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log