"The attraction of paper airplanes" talked about by the creator of the world's flying paper plane and "Boomerang Paper Airplane"

An American male, John Collins, is a paper plane that flies a distance of about 70 meters and a person who created a paper plane returning to hand like a boomerang. A movie that tells about the appeal of paper airplanes that have become obsessed with children and how to make frequent flight paper airplanes has been released.

How This Guy Folds and Flies World Record Paper Airplanes | WIRED - YouTube

"The Paper Airplane Guy" John Collins said that she has been strongly attracted to "flying things" since childhood.

Besides butterflies and birds flying with wings fluttering ......

It seems that he was fascinated by the appearance of flying in the sky with various mechanisms such as airplane flying by propeller turning.

She said that it was a flow of nature to be fascinated by paper airplanes that made up such "flying objects" from only one piece of paper.

Mr. Collins who eventually made paper airplanes eventually took advantage of the "origami" method and set aside for making paper airplanes.

One such masterpiece of such Collins is this "boomerang". Poit and thrown paper airplane first goes up high with guin ......

I turn around in the sky and turn it back to where Collins threw.

Mr. Collins to take it with your fingers. Normally, the paper airplane is as much as going in the throwing direction, but it is really surprising to return to the original place.

Actually, Mr. Collins owns the flight distance world record of paper airplane. In the challenge that was held in 2012, the paper plane made by Mr. Collins established a world record of 226 feet 10 inches (about 69.14 m) in distance.

Movie whose world record was updated for the first time in nine years - Airplane flight distance - GIGAZINE

Paper airplane throwing is handled by American football players. He is in charge of quarterback and is in charge of position which can be called expert of throwing.

Immediately after throwing, paper airplane at a stretch raised altitude ......

I will raise the speed and descend, but because I have enough lift I will not fall.

Later, after continuing level flight to earn distance, landing beyond the previous recording line. I updated the brilliant world record.

This plane has a wider wing width than ordinary paper airplane, rising at an angle of 45 degrees immediately after throwing, it is made to glide and draw a parabola. Although this way of throwing is in accordance with theory, it is the length of flight that becomes liver. Collins' paper airplane says that the record was set up with a length of 9 seconds.

About how to make such a paper plane Mr. Collins replies, "Frequently it is said that you are using secret wonderful paper ?, but I am using ordinary paper."

However, it seems to be important to "fold correctly". Also, saying "to make it symmetrical" is also important.

Basically it is an orthodox way to fold. There are no tricky places at all in such a way as to fold and fold the paper vertically to the opposite side.

Collins taught that "I will tell you how to fold a professional" on the way, a way to increase the area of ​​the wing. When folding paper to make wings, do not make such a triangle on the wings and body ... ...

One point is to fold so that the body is completely hidden.

By doing this, it is possible to make longer from the fold to the tip of the wing, enabling to increase the area of ​​the wing.

Also, when making paper airplanes that fly well, it is important not only to "accurately fold" but also to "adjust to fly well".

Just by folding a paper airplane, the left and right wings are hanging down like this.

But what matters here is that the wing has "positive dihedral angle"Dihedral angleTo give.

Thanks to this angle, even if the airplane is tilted to the left or right, movement like trying to return to the center naturally like a "pendulum" will be born.

Another important thing is to slightly bend the rear end of the wing. At this time, I will wake it upward with the feeling of "bending" the end of the wing without adding a crease.

Thanks to this angle, paper airplanes can fly long and long while balancing the center of gravity and aerodynamics.

One of the representative works of Mr. Collins' paper airplane is' Boomerang '. This paper airplane has the feature that it comes back to where you threw.

The secret is how to angle the wings. As mentioned earlier, it is theory to put a dihedral angle on the wing of a regular paper airplane ....

The wings of the boomerang machine are made to remain hanging down.

As a result, the self-balancing function will not work on the aircraft once tilted, and it will remain tilted.

However, in this inclined state, when the wing of the aircraft creates a force to raise ... ...

The movement that the aircraft is about to turn is born.

This makes it possible to return freely to the place the aircraft threw.

Furthermore, "Boomerang 2" is characterized by doing a maneuvering that the acrobatics is improved, not "turning in the horizontal direction" but "going back and somersaulting" in the vertical direction.

Throwing a boomerang 2 with a point ......

When it flew to a certain extent, it will be in a state of "stall" which loses lift.

The stalled boomerang 2 falls like Haruka with Harari, but the lift of the wing revives again at the speed of the fall. Then, the airplane glides upside down and returns to Mr. Collins.

This boomerang 2 was created from the failure that occurred during trial and error. An ordinary paper airplane is basically made of front gravity, but this boomerang 2 seems to have an extremely rearward center of gravity, probably a structure that tends to stall. And, thanks to the wings made so that the dihedral angle is attached even when the aircraft flips, it is supposed to come back like a boomerang with a movement like an acrobatic machine.

Also, a paper airplane like this bat was born from a failed work.

When throwing it, the wing flutters like a bat as if the bat flapped. This seems to be a movement caused by the repetition of stall and recovery due to the balance between the center of gravity and aerodynamics.

In addition to this, Mr. Collins also makes paper airplanes with landing gear (landing gear) and paper airplanes with small wings "Canard wings" plus such as fighter aircraft.

When it is possible to let the sky fly by folding one sheet of paper and it feels joyful when flew far enough far away, he says that he feels the same as a child aged 4 to 5 I will.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log