"Reason why you should be single" that is shown from the perspective of science

byNoah Silliman

"It is believed that" Singles are miserable and lonely, and they desire to lose more than anything else ", but it is a mere urban legend," says the completion of doctoral course at Harvard University , Bella DePaulo who works at the Department of Psychology and Brain Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as of 2018I gave a lecture at TEDWords of Time. As Mr. DePaulo says, the scientific and psychological interests of 'being single' are shown in several scientific studies done so far.

Why it's better to be single, according to science - BI

Two sociologists named Natalia Sarkisian and Naomi GerstelStudy done in 2015And, as a result of investigating how single and married adults in the United States are involved with relatives, neighboring residents, and friends, singles are frequently in contact with social networks, and more often than married people , It turned out that it was easy to receive assistance from these people and was easy to assist. It is said that such a tendency was the same even considering factors such as race, gender, income.

In recent research, it has been found that fostering friendship can increase happinessIt is known, There are also survey results that those who regularly contact with more than 10 other people have significantly greater happiness than those who do not.

Even in the research that Harvard University has been doing for more than 75 years, "Good human relationships have been shown to make people healthy and happy."

"Whether or not you are healthy at the age of 80 is decided by human relations in your 50s" Important three lessons to send a happy life Summary - GIGAZINE

What is important in this research is that the required human relationship is "friendship" rather than "family". Mr. William Chopik, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, said two studies on 280,000 subjects "that friendship will become more important as we get older"is showing. According to Mr. Chopik, "friendship" becomes a predictor of happiness and health more than "familial relations" when older. Singles have connections with communities other than family members, and investing in friendship relationships has a great influence on their own well-being.

byKelsey Knight

In addition, 13,000 people between the ages of 18 and 64Survey targetedThen, singles who have never married have a result that the frequency of exercise per week is larger than that of married or divorced people, and when comparing the BMI of 4,500 subjects living in Europe, singles Has been found to be slightly smaller than that of married men. According to the latter study, it seems that married people are as heavy as 5 pounds (about 2.3 kg) on ​​average.

Psychotherapist Amy Morin also talks about the benefit of being single,To be aloneMultiple studies show that increasing the sense of freedom, increasing the degree of creativity and friendship with people. "There is no need to be lonely because you are alone, by being alone you will be able to better understand yourself", Mr. Morin said. There are also research results that singles have more self-determination intervals than married men and are more likely to experience psychological growth.

byDavid Thomaz

Although there are still a few studies on the psychological interests of singles, although it has been shown so far that "there are benefits for romantic relationships, but that singles are also profitable" I will.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log