"Governments should give basic residents a basic income regardless of the presence or absence of work," Richard Branson says

Social experiments of "basic income" that hands certain conditions or completely unconditionally a fixed amount to residents are carried out throughout the world. Meanwhile, Richard Branson, who is known as one of the promoters of the basic income, told CNN, "The government should give universal basic income to residents regardless of whether they have work or not."

Richard Branson: Universal basic income is coming - Feb. 15, 2018

Mr. Branson talks about basic income in an interview with CNN's caster and journalist Christin Romans. Branson, asked about the necessity of basic income, said, "With the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) there is a danger that income inevitably arises in people's income", and the way of income greatly changes in the near future I suggest that.

Mr. Branson says "There is no room for doubt about the coming of the future," Mr. Branson explains the necessity to create a new job and also instructs the "universal basic income" system that guarantees minimum income for all citizens It should be introduced.

Mr. Branson asked Mr. Romans "There is a view that taking such a method in the US is overprotective" is asked, "Some people say that way, but it is necessary to do it We will show that the introduction of basic income inevitably occurs.

Branson says that the government should proceed with the experiment of the basic income system and see what kind of change will occur. One such example is Mr. Branson's move to legalize marijuana (cannabis) spreading in the United States. Beginning with the approval of medical cannabis in the beginning, the number of states that gradually acknowledge cannabis for preference is increasing, but Mr. Branson said that "the actual use of cannabis has never expanded explosively", while I mention the benefits of increased tax revenue.

It is Mr. Branson's remark that this same thing should be carried out even in basic income. The question of society's question of "what will people's labor incentive to lose by introducing basic income system?" Actually appears in what form, first of all, by repeating experiments at the local government level, its effectiveness Mr. Branson says that it should proceed with full-scale introduction by checking.

Mr. Branson says that social experiments on basic incomes already in progress all over the world seems to have revealed generally positive results. In Finland, a large-scale experiment of paying 560 euros (about 70,000 yen) a month for unemployed persons was conducted, and as a result, "Good results have been achieved thanks to the basic income system," a good result It turns out that it is appearing.

What was the motivation for stress and work in Finland who gave a cumulative income of 70,000 yen a month to 2000 people as a basic income? - GIGAZINE

In another experiment, it is also known that the effect of reducing incentive for labor by basic income is not recognized.

Results showing that there is no influence on labor demand even if "basic income" which gets money even without working is introduced - GIGAZINE

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log