A gift a girl of elementary school girls wished for Santa is painful

byAnderson W Rangel

Speaking of Christmas, it is a day that you can get a present from Santa Claus once a year, and there are many people who have had the experience of having had the toys and games that I wanted as a child at the time. However, when I let students write letters to gifts to Santa Claus at a school, I found that girls in primary school freshmen are asking for daily necessities rather than dolls and toys, which is a short topic I will.

First Grader's Letter to Santa Sparks School-Wide Blanket Drive

In Monte Cristo elementary school in Edinburgh, Texas, USA, there is a slight movement that one student is asking for a necessity for daily necessities for a Christmas gift and a donation to an elementary school is made throughout the city from there . In Monte Cristo elementary school, as a part of the event, they told the students to write "letters asking for what they want for Santa Claus".

Among them, I wrote a letter saying that a girl in elementary school first grade wants balls, food, and blankets.

I wrote this letter at Crystal Pacheco, a first grade primary school student, and Ruth Espirqueta, her teacher, found a letter. Espiric Queta has released a letter on his Facebook account and said, "This letter made me feel so sad that your students wanted Christmas to have food, blankets, beds, etc. instead of toys I am also posting a comment saying "Why not?"

This happened in AmericaRio Grande ValleyIt is a local news program ofKRGV CHANNEL 5 NEWSBut it is taken up.

Community Bands Together to Grant Christmas Wish to Students

Pacheco who she wrote a letter to

At the end of the letter, "Crystal Pacheco (Crystal Pacheco)" has been named firmly.

Espiriketa, the homeroom teacher of Pacheco who appeared in fancy attire, said, "I was really shocked when she asked for a blanket.This letter is a warm night for some of the children He made me realize that there are children who have not spent them. "

From Espiriketa's post to Facebook, Pacheco's letters are becoming widely known, and it seems that donations have been sent to Monte Cristo primary school. The school decides to distribute blankets to the students based on this donation.

Christina Rodriguez who donated blankets and other daily necessities to children was a graduate of Monte Cristo Elementary School and said, "I knew that elementary school children were not getting enough blankets and food and I was shocked" I am talking.

Espiriketa confided to Pacheco's mother by saying, "I think that my daughter wrote a letter thinking about my brother.When I asked my daughter, I told my brother and I want to play with the ball Because I eat food at home, I think that the blanket was requested because the inside of the house is cold, "he said.

By the donation started from Pacheco's letter, 615 blankets were donated to Monte Cristo primary school, and Pacheco is reading a message addressed to Santa Claus "Thank you for the present."

in Note,   Video, Posted by logu_ii