A color photograph taken of Japan under rehabilitation immediately after World War II is being released at the National Diet Library Digital Collection

We collect and save domestic and international materials and information widely, become the foundation of knowledge and culture, assist the Diet's activities, and provide library services to administrative and judicial and citizensNational Diet Libraryis. It is possible to search and view the digital materials collected and stored by the National Diet LibraryNational Diet Library Digital CollectionSo many valuable historical materials etc are published. Such a National Diet Library digital collection was taken from September 6, 2017 at the time when Mr. Robert Moja who came to Japan as a civil staff of GHQ from April 1946 to January 1947 after World War II shot to Japan Street scenery in Japan and color photos of buildingsReleasedoing.

National Diet Library Digital Collection - Mr. Mojer Photography Photo

The streets of Japan at the time of the occupation remain as color pictures as below.

In Japan that was under the occupation of the Allied Armed Forces, the flag of the occupied country was listed in some areas. The following picture is the flag of England.

Meiji Seikan kan that was accepted for use as the US Far Eastern Air Force Headquarters

Foreigners who enjoy rickshaw

US soldiers sending hand flag signals at intersections and Japanese police officers

Houses of Parliament

U.S. military facility "Palace Heights" that was in Hayabusa-cho, Chiyoda-ku

The Imperial PalaceTakumi Sakurada

Soldiers of Allied Army in the surrounding area

The streets of Tokyo

A building written as "Hibiya Teikoku Seikaku-kan" and a tram that runs in front of that building

There are also photographs of Japanese at the time of wearing kimonos.

In Shurakuen Park in Tokai City, Aichi Prefecture, "Burakuen Big Buddha"Photo of

Also a vivid picture of a destroyed building that tells of the fact that it is after the war.

Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima

A map written in Japanese and an Australian army soldier wearing a "crawling hat" raised only by one side of "brim"

Petrol station written as "OSAKA SERVICE STATION No.1"

Although it is blurred, one of the opera performed in a place like a hall somewhere

A Japanese umbrella under production under photography at Gifu

At signs written in "Roman alphabet" Minami Otsu-dori 7 chome "and pictures of foreign women are as if they were filmed abroad

Also photos of winter where one side was covered with snow.

Banners signed "From here is crossing" are arranged at equal intervals beside the road.

The catalog of photographs of Japanese landscape after World War II provided by Mr. Moja is(PDF)from hereYou can check it.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii