Headline news on October 26, 2017

In the 2070s, the future turned into a distorted pier. The bartender of the back alley bar "Valhalla" as a hero, now that the visual of high evaluation abroad that story branches Novell "VA-11 Hall-A (Valhalla)" is landing in Japan by a cocktail to provide .

"VA - 11 Hall - A Valhalla" Introduction Movie - YouTube

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

A strange message arriving from a distant star is "from the alien probably" and scientists announced in the paper - GIGAZINE

Xiaomi announced the high-end smartphone "Mi Mix" almost entirely display, the screen occupancy rate was wonderful 91.3% - GIGAZINE

Possibility to be hacked just by opening JPEG images and PDF files on iPhone - GIGAZINE

What happened to the company that gave all employees the minimum annual salary of about 8.5 million yen? - GIGAZINE

11 services Amazon was quietly quitting - GIGAZINE

"Star Wars" laser blaster is not necessarily a Jedi or it is possible to do it seriously - This is GIGAZINE

What is the real purpose hidden in the key of the mystery that the blade part turns with a sharp teeth? - GIGAZINE

I went to the Philippine's fantasy festival where people danced wearing a "mask of smiles" - GIGAZINE

Theatrical edition Mahou Shoujo Madoka ☆ Magica [The New Movie] performed during the typhoon approach The fastest screening of the rebellious story was quieter than expected - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (Memo · Others)
Fate's rice cake Mascot 22,000 yen worth of purchase and business corrugated cardboard has been sent to the opening ceremony of the person - Togetter Summary

"Mr. Hirokazu Tanaka" gathered nationwide Collected same name same name Guinness challenge - Kyodo News 47 NEWS

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
【Movie】 Why can you escape? Elucidation of mystery at the moment of mosquito flight | National Geographic Japan version site

Painful news (No ∀ `): 【Browsing attention】 In Australia it is easy to find insatiable insects - Livedoor blog

Tokyo University of Science: Earthquake and Flood Simultaneously ... Public Experiment of Dyke Breakdown - Mainichi Newspaper

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
CNN.co.jp: Three US aircraft carriers concurrently deployed in the western Pacific Trump's Asian visit

Maehara / Minshiro representative, resignation to the declaration "After all it did not work" - 2017 House of Representatives election (House of Representatives election): Asahi Newspaper Digital

Disbursement to Mori friends 600 million yen excessive sale of state land, the Board of Audit doubts - Kyodo News 47 NEWS

China's New Leadership Division began, the air of Revolution started to drift: Nikkei Business Online

The company, which is not big in scale, suffered a situation in which business continuity was in danger. The manager found that the life and death of the company was decided by the idea of ​​the country in China again. That is why I seriously thought about getting Japanese business management visas.

Life protection reduction by reason of going on to vocational school of the first son ... Mother appealed: yomiDr. / Yomi Doctor (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Disguised Kujo Negi, shipping to 9 prefectures or incorrect income 12 million yen: Kyoto Shimbun

Nissan's new car inspection, unusual "indefinite monitoring" Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: Asahi Shimbun Digital

North Korea President's trip before Asian visit | NHK News

Scholarship votes cast to the constitutional democracy ... Komei shocking "Proportional vote seven millionths break" Impact | Politics | News | Nikkan Gendai DIGITAL

To the extraordinary National Assembly Sudden friend · Closing during appointment Government · LDP: Asahi Shimbun Digital

"Japan media, vulnerable to government pressure" United Nations reporter interviewed: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Prostitution in refugees = security guards of detention facilities - Germany: current affairs dot com

Tohmatsu wish to pursue accountants, illegal copy of preliminary teaching materials: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Major disastrous defeat by the constitutional Millennium Democratic Party, the invisible tomorrow of the Communist Party | Bunbun Online

[Core of Impact Case] ​​"Fake cheated by cherry blossom" 50 million yen to dating site, complaint of 60's male suffering from anger (1/5 page) - Sankei WEST

Asahi Shimbun readers' losing confirmed comfort women coverage class action suit - Sankei news

Mr. Hashimoto, resigning as a reinforcement counselor ... I am furious with Twitter: Politics: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Semi rape charges against drunken women, innocent inquired physician: society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Kobe Steel, 4 newly founded illegal castings · speed reducer · prototype alloy: Asahi Shimbun Digital

"Nankai Trough" announces the contents of new information and presentation standards Japan Meteorological Agency | NHK News

"I am Professor at Niigata University" Let's guide and borrow from Shinkansen ... arrest suspect: Asahi Shimbun Digital

2 people die in deteriorating 5-year water heaters and so on inspection for 10 years | NHK News

Enhanced inspection today from the US "Arrival at the airport 3 hours ago": Asahi Shimbun Digital

About starting use of dedicated lane for safety inspection at departure from the US | ANA Group Corporate Information

Owners Unknown Loss due to land 6 trillion yen in 2040, private trial calculation: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

10 yen for 1 yen sale Vending machines, Osaka merchants getting out of deflation Where the wind blows - Bloomberg

[The core of the shock incident] Although it is the heyday of downloading the overwhelming amount of obscene material DVD factory, even though it is in the heyday, Japan's special back business model (1/5 page) - Sankei WEST

"Overwhelmed" to high speed vehicles, fast follow-up and contact: society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

CNN.co.jp: Trump, public confidential document of JFK assassination released 26th

Inspired by writing on the net? Arrogantly rushing against the electorate Aichi - 2017 House of Representatives election (House of Representatives election): Asahi Shimbun Digital

Kobe Steel Works Newly Disguised in Four Unauthorized Doubts Group? | NHK News

Arrival of suspicion of rushing a core group activist who raises a difference of 670 yen with a 150 yen ticket and a commuter ticket - Sankei WEST

CNN.co.jp: Queen Elizabeth in England, winning about 1 billion yen in horse race prize money In the past 30 years

Hideo Shinozawa, a Buddhist literary person, also popular in the dying quiz show | NHK News

Run away in heavy rain "6th Tadamikawa Bridge" going forward with removal | Hebei Shimbun online news

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)

Typhoon day, a story that was impressed by the announcement inside the bulletin train - The hospitality industry is tough! Asakusa Bitch Kanni diary!

Hideyoshi immediately after Honnoji, no looting of the goods of Yukari Nobunaga: Culture: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Chronic constipation, proportionally high in 20% of primary school children Gunma: Asahi Shimbun Digital

CNN.co.jp: World's Strongest Passport Singapore United States Declines in Position - (1/3)

"What do you really want?" - Elderly people with dementia Where is their will - Yahoo! News

(PDF file)~ Light Up of Autumn Leaves Coloring Autumn Night Sky ~ The 15th "Kyoto no Okuzashiki / Kibune Momiji Lantern" will be held from November 3 (Friday) to Sunday, 26th (Sunday)

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
"Mr. Junya Kondo who retires from the Representative Director has a majority of shares, but it will not be particularly difficult to do" - Hatena Content of the General Shareholders' Meeting in Hat 2017 - Summary of Suzuki Online

New instance - Amazon EC2 instance with up to 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs P3 | Amazon Web Services blog

Goodbye Cookpad | KOMUGI

And the most important thing is that the person who should focus is changed to "a passive user who is potentially thinking about cooking". Clearly something is missing to recognize Krasil and DELISH KITCHEN's method as "labor intensive methods". In the platform business, if you make a mistake in the person who should focus, the gap can not be corrected gradually and it collapses in due course.

There must be a lot of people who joined Cookpad's company by sympathizing with the corporate philosophy of "looking forward to everyday cooking". There are probably a lot of people who realize that the "CGM (consumer-generated media)" method has finished their roles. I do not know what "proprietary method" is, but I sincerely hope that Cookpad will appear in front of me as a platform to "look forward to everyday cooking" again. I loved it. Thank you. Goodbye Cookpad.

What is happening at a corner of the dark web - a child pornography censure incident and its surroundings | kzwmn | note

FFFTP development end Maybe, the voices of appreciation and memories of the dawn of the web drink together / "Since FFFTP is open source, there is no concept of finishing development" - Togetter Summary

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
"Tokimeki Idol" game introduction movie - YouTube

Satoshi Fujii Aiming to go to the 4th high school Aim for compatibility between shogi and studies | NHK News

Mamoru Oshii slashes Kremlin's Studio Ghibli work "Let's tell the ghibli that no one told us" - as a miserable story

TV animation "I wish I could have a sister. "Kani Nakatachi Figure Gravure Photography Making - YouTube

Ship this Arcade October Attached Ship daughter Intro Video - YouTube

Loop demo "FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE" version - YouTube

Servant of Thrones: Trailer Movie - YouTube

"Light Tracer" release trailer - YouTube

"ARK: Survival Evolved" launch trailer - YouTube

A story of a strong advertising cartoonist of Heart who did not sign well without reading it firmly read the agreement contents that was submitted later - Togetter Summary

Year young sensation of "Tres = evil" such as the spread to the artist "sly draw a picture to see the drawing doll" for the matter not Regards - Togetter Summary

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Relocation of new stadium Two strategies and formal representation of Sapporo city: What time a stadium @ N J summary

Nippon Ham and Kitahiroshima City talks | News of NHK Hokkaido

Japan S ticket starts general sale Sold out sold out as well 7000 sheets on the resale site Net anger / baseball / daily sports online

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
This year also came! The first Starbucks holiday season has a bright red colored "Raspberry White Mocha" and "Raspberry White Chocolate Frappuccino®" that lights Christmas mood

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt