WebGL works that can move around three-dimensional objects like 4 comical manga

Using a WebGL that renders 3D / 2D graphics without using a plug-in in a browser, a mysterious work that makes three-dimensional objects like 4-frame manga move to the back side of the frame is released.


You can check from the following movie what kind of work is three-dimensional object like 4 comic manga made with WebGL.

Four-frame manga created with WebGL - a three-dimensional object that can be moved around, - YouTube

The workURLWhen you open, you will see something like 4-frame manga side by side with frames. As people walk toward something like the sun, they seem to be a story that falls in the snow.

It is interesting that this work is interesting if you click and hold and move it to the left and right, 4 comic manga turn around like a rotating door.

Kururi and turn it ......

It can be displayed as if watching 4 comic manga from behind.

Although it can not be rotated up and down, you can move it slightly and see the 4-frame manga in three dimensions from the top and bottom. Although it is only this, it is a mysterious feeling to be able to rotate 4 comic manga, it will play grisly without any meaning.

I made this workLin.bertWe set up an art group calledWenHe is an engineer who has his own WebGL work groupOfficial siteIt is now open to the public.

this is"Wolf with AnimationsWorks called. A white wolf keeps running in the meadow ... ...

When you press the "space" key on the keyboard, the surroundings change to the starry sky. Some of Wen's works do not work properly depending on the environment of the browser, but each has become a work of high quality, it seems to be good to check.

Wen has published the code of the work on GitHub and can check it from the following URL

GitHub - yiwenl / Sketches

in Review,   Web Application,   Video,   Manga, Posted by darkhorse_log