This is a comparison of the salary circumstances of the IT industry, the average salaries of software engineers and product managers in the cities around the world

By401 (K) 2012

There are many things to worry about when you find employment or change jobs, such as the ideals and climate of the company you are interested in, but "salary" is also one of the important points in deciding on work. Hired at job seeking site analyzes and discloses the average salary of each city and the transition of average salary by refining software engineer, product manager, data scientist among IT industry, and it seems to be a reference for job hunting and career change.

State of Salaries - Hired

The following map shows the average salary (by market) of software engineers in 2016 by city. The highest in the United States is the $ 134,000 (about 1524 million yen) in San Francisco Bay Area, followed by $ 126,000 (about 1432 million yen) in Seattle and $ 120,000 (about 1364 million yen) in New York Cities in the West Coast of the United States ranked high.

In Europe, London is $ 73,000 (about 8.3 million yen), Paris costs $ 55,000 (about 6,250,000 yen).

Looking at the Asia-Pacific region, Singapore is 69 thousand dollars (693 thousand yen), Melbourne is 83 thousand dollars (approximately 9,430 thousand yen), Sydney is 81 thousand dollars (approximately 9.21 million yen) The average salary height of American software engineers stand out. According to Hired who analyzed the data, among the many possible factors, the most likely possibility is that the American technology market is the most mature. The fact that there are many excellent engineers is considered to be one of the factors that leads to high salary.

San Francisco Bay Area was the highest salary for software engineers, but the city has a fact that the average salary is rising as prices are higher than in other cities. In consideration of this, Hired adjusts the average salary of each city in consideration of the price in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a result, the average salary lower than San Francisco is only New York, which also has high prices. Based on the price of San Francisco, the average salary of other cities has increased greatly.

The table below shows the salary offer for "job applicants locally living" and the salary offer to "job seekers coming from other cities". For example, in France at the top of the table, the salary offer for "locally based job seekers" is $ 55,000 (about 6.25 million yen), while "a job seeker who moves from another city "The salary offer is $ 86,000 (about 978,000 yen). This is not just for France, it tends to offer high salaries to "job seekers coming from other cities" in many cities such as London, Singapore, Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles. In other words, when you change your career, you may be able to get a higher salary if you are looking for a job at a place that you are not currently living in.

The graph below shows the trends in average salaries of product managers and data scientists. Purple dotted line is product manager, red dotted line is data scientist. Between 2014 and 2015, there are few differences in growth rates between the two occupations. However, looking from 2015 to 2016, the product manager is 5.9% higher, whereas the data scientist is only 2.3%. Also, the average salary is about 10,000 dollars (about 1.13 million yen) higher for product managers than for data scientists.

The product managers and data scientists who got a high salary offer at the interview are as follows. Product manager "Business development" "Project management and strategy" "Java" "Ruby" Agile software development "Data management" Data scientist "machine learning" "data analysis" "Python" "SQL" "statistics" R "skill, it is easy to receive high salary offers.

The graph below shows "hope average salary" and "actual average salary" by person type. From left is black, Latin, Asian, Caucasian. Among them, the only person who "real average salary" exceeds "hope average salary" is black people. Latin and Caucasians find that "actual average salary" is lower than "desired average salary". In addition, Asian people got results that "actual average salary" and "expected average salary" are almost the same.

The graph below shows "average hired salary" and "actual average salary" by age. There is no difference between "hope average salary" and "actual average salary" in "20 to 25 years old", but the difference tends to expand as age increases. However, we see that the difference shrinks at the boundary of "age 45 to 50", and that "actual average salary" is higher than "hope average salary" at "50 to 60 years old".

Please note that although the survey company is different,PayScaleAccording to the average annual income of software engineers in Japan is about 4,440,000 yen, there seems to be a big difference from overseas.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log