Typhoon No.17 was raging in Taiwan The refrigerator blasted on the road

Typhoon 17 (Meggie) that occurred in the Mariana Islands became a very strong force and landed in Taiwan and China on Tuesday 27th September 2016,Four people died in Taiwan, high-speed buses rolled over and seven Japanese tourists were injuredDamage occurred in various places such as. Typhoon No. 17, which is throwing rage as a result of intense gusts and rains due to frequent closure of holidays and holidays, but the movie that shows the local situation is tweeted and attracting attention.

From a Taiwanese friend, "This typhoon is so terrible that the level at which the refrigerator runs on the road" is a movie, a scene where a two door refrigerator will slide on the road at a fairly rapid rate It is contained. If you look at this indeed it will be able to sense how much strong winds are swaying in Taiwan.

A movie that seems to be "Continued" that shows where the refrigerator has gone is also available on YouTube.

Ice Box Removed Home Running - YouTube

Picture showing the outdoors where rain falls despite the surveillance camera seems to have caught.

A woman who realized something came running to the road.

I ran into the road as a refrigerator after all. The woman tries to stop the refrigerator ... ...

The momentum that one woman could not stop, the refrigerator flowed as it was to the opposite lane.

A dog jumped on the motorcycle on the front of the screen and witnessed the whole story, but I was unable to understand what was happening to the owner.

In addition, Kora GIF animation was also made in the movie in which the refrigerator runs. Click to open GIF animation.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log