What happens to Apple 's new earphone "AirPods" CM? A parody CM appears with plenty of jokes with "that" taste

In accordance with the advent of the iPhone 7 which discontinued the earphone terminal of the past, Apple announced "Wireless earphone"AirPodsWe will release it in October 2016. If that television commercial of AirPods was made, it is said that the famous CM as a motif and a sarcastic little burnt love laughter parody movie showed the American late night show program "CONAN"It was produced in.

Apple's New AirPods Ad - CONAN on TBS - YouTube

A screen written only as "Apple AirPods" on solid background. This is, of course, the motif of TV commercial made when iPod appeared in the early 2000s.

AirPods to the ears of a dancing dancers. However, it is a story of the 2016 version of CM that the white cable connected to both ears is not written.

"Wireless. Effortless. Magical." (Wireless, Rakuchin, as if it is magical) ", a keyword that Apple seems to be most useful.

It is a dancer who was dancing in Ikaike ... ...

Well, AirPods will fall out of your ears! This is Taehen.

AirPods also spots from female dancers' ears.

And, how come off AirPods into the sewers! The voice "No no no no!" Invites laughter.

Since it can not be helped, pay the sigh and get a new AirPods.

A dancer who dances without discipline. I fall out of my ear ...

To the sluggish that "Where? Where?"

A dancer dancing to stop when it stops.

Sure enough, I decided to buy a new AirPods "Hara!

I will lose again.

A woman who throws a note on AirPods just as "a", "a", "a", "a"! I felt a sarcastic feeling just like saying "This is Apple's strategy", the audience laughs out loud.

Two dancers who have lost AirPods again. When a dog passes there ... ...

A big pet called AirPods in the stomach of the dog.

A movie that is simulated with the keyword "wireless expensive price".

Conan O'Brien, a comedian who receives applause from the audience. This movie was broadcasted in the late night show program "Conan" hosted by O'Brien. Not only in Conan but also in the American late night show, the content with such a little bad mood is gaining popularity among people.

By the way, the CM of iPod made by genuine Apple 's Apple is Kore. An image that leaves a strong impression of the movement of dancers with lively dynamics and a very impressive white iPod and earphones has blurred the world.

Every iPod "Silhouette" ads (2004-2008) - YouTube

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log