With one innovative figure that you can easily remember the complicated Morse code

"Morse code" is used to express letters and numbers by combining codes of different lengths, such as "Ton Ton Ton, Toe". Although it is a Morse code that uses only two codes, it is hard to memorize patterns for each letter. Illustrations for easy remembrance of such Morse code are released.

Just Learn Morse Code (Download)

The following figure seems to be useful for learning such Morse code. It is becoming clear at a glance which kind of short point and long point the sign representing each alphabet is a combination.

In the figure, when expressing each alphabet by Morse code, it is shown what kind of combination of points it is, and from which point it starts is indicated by the number "1". "S" is represented by three short points ...

"O" is represented by three long points. So, when expressing 'SOS' with Morse code '... - - · · · · · · · · · · (Ton Ton Ton' s Ton Ton Ton) 」OK. In addition, it is prohibited to send "SOS" of distress signal other than related stations.

Let's say "Z". When the order of points is difficult to understand, the arrow is plus, and "Z" becomes the sign "- · · (two-tone)".

"U" and "V" are marked with a long point outside the letters, and they are represented as "· · · - (TONTON two) · · · - (TONTON TONZOU)" respectively.

Since short and long points are superimposed on the actual alphabet with such a feeling, it is visually understood which code signifies which alphabet.

Published this diagram@ QRZnowMr. Morse is a software to train how to use the signal "Just Learn Morse Code"Is released to the public. Using this software, I decided to try to decipher Morse code from the knowledge actually learned in the figure.

Just Learn Morse Code (Download)

To download "Just Learn Morse Code" click "DOWNLOAD" in the middle link above.

Click "msi file".

Click "Save file".

Click "JustLearnMorseCode.msi" to start the installation.

Click "Execute".

Click "Next".

Select "I Agree" and click "Next".

Click "Next".

Click "Next".

Click "Close" to complete installation.

A new shortcut "Just Learn Morse Code" has been created on the desktop, so click on it to launch it.

The start screen of software "Just Learn Morse Code" for learning Morse code is kore.

If you click alphabets or numbers lined up on "Input", sound will flow. For example, if you click "K", you hear that "- - - (two-tone two)" sounds, and you hear that Morse code tones of clicked letters and numbers are played.

Click "Play" button ......

Loading starts somewhere ......

The beep and sound began to sound. Since this is all Morse code sound, it is OK if you test how much you actually can decode Morse code. Clicking "Toggle Output" near the "Play" button ... ...

The "Output" area has been added at the bottom of the screen. Here you can see which letters are represented by the signal tones that started playing by pressing the "Play" button. In the initial state, only the letters "K" and "M" are output.

The outputted characters are displayed in black letters among the characters in the red frame. In this case it is "K" and "M".

The type of the signal tone can be changed from "Characters", and Morse code sounds randomly from 44 types including at least 2 alphabets, numbers and symbols at maximum.

If you actually use "Just Learn Morse Code", you can check how Morse code is heard in the following movie.

I tried playing Morse code with "Just Learn Morse Code" - YouTube

Although it may seem vaguely "difficult to ... ..." when it is heard as "Morse code", the mechanism is simple, and if it is used by people who know each other, it is not known to anyone but a secret conversation, Furthermore, because it can be used as a means of communication in case of emergency, it is a person who carries out secret mission and the like in secret behavior, secret operation, intelligence activity, etc. For those who say "I do not remember the Morse code yet" It is soft.

in Review,   Software,   Video,   Design, Posted by logu_ii