Item "Esington Glass" to demonstrate concentration and allow tasks to finish at the explosive speed

"Hyper Focus" is created that can not be distracted by the surroundings, and an item that you can habit to quickly accomplish tasks within a certain time of 25 minutes is called "Esington Glass"is. The appearance made of glass is beautiful and unique, and it is said that people who can not motivate by appealing to visual, auditory, tactile sense can concentrate on nature.

Esington Fine Goods

Esington Glass: The Ultimate Productivity Timer by Esington - Kickstarter

You can check the appearance of actually using Esington Glass and the white noise that Esington Glass can make from the following movie.

Esington Glass Productivity Timer Intro - YouTube

This is Esington Glass. At first glance it is an ordinary hourglass-like item, but appealing to tactile, visual and auditory sensation, ingenuity is taken to habituate to get the concentration ability and make it possible to perform the task within a certain time.

Esington Glass produces white noise while using it, concentrates on one point by forgetting the surroundingsHyper FocusItems to train to be in a state called. It is designed to be able to measure 25 minutes in one turn, but by concentrating on tasks during this time, getting a sense of accomplishment and relaxation at the moment the task is over, it is deeply involved with human motivationDopamineSo we can habit to concentrate for 25 minutes. Also, as the tendency of New Year's oath to be unsteady, the excessive motivation of "I will do it from today!" Is not suitable for sustaining a single thing, but Esington Glass is in visual, tactile and hearing It is also a point that you can move to action even if you do not have the motivation because you can appeal and start just by turning over.

Parkinson's lawAccording to a person saying, "It takes a lot of time to do this task," he says he will perform the task using the full time. However, if you can habit a "time box" that allows you to finish the task within time, people will "run away" within a certain amount of time so you can finish the task earlier than you expect. In addition, some research results have shown that periodic rest can improve work performance qualitatively and quantitatively, and increase productivity.

Also, if you are using a timer etc., the alarm will sound and the concentration will be interrupted when the set time expires, but Esington Glass will remain quiet even after the set time expires, so concentrating people will concentrate It is possible to continue.

Male of the image is Rudy Marsh of the developer. There are two Esington Glasses at Marsh 's hands, but both are quite large.

The regular size on the left is 14 cm high by 12 cm wide, the large size on the right is 19 cm high x 16 cm wide.

The inside of the glass container is filled with nanoparticle steel, and when particles fall into the bottom container, it bounces chaotically and produces white noise.

Glass containers are made by hand blowing one by one. Quality checks are also taking place, and we will measure time accurately.

Esington Glass is currently recruiting investment for commercialization at Kickstarter. With a target amount of 5000 dollars (about 600,000 yen), it is a popular item that has already collected over 130,000 dollars (about 15 million yen) and you can get a regular 25 minute timer with a contribution of 49 dollars (about 5700 yen) It is necessary to capture more than 199 dollars (about 23,000 yen) to get 1 large size. The number of Esington Glass etc can be changed by raising the amount of investment, shipping corresponds to the whole world, but the existence of shipping fee is unknown at the present moment.

The deadline is 6:08 on January 29 in Japan time.

Esington Glass: The Ultimate Productivity Timer by Esington - Kickstarter

in Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log