Twitter sued US government seeking public 'transparency report'


Restricting the publication of the "Transparency Report" that regularly publishes the number of requests for information disclosure received from the government will discuss freedom of expression and public affairs guaranteed under Article 1 of the Constitution of the United States I knew that Twitter appealed the US government as violating the rights.

Taking the fight for # transparency to court | Twitter Blogs

(PDF file)

Twitter is the number of "number" of information disclosure request received from government agencies and copyright officials once every half year and the number of whether Twitter has taken action (actually whether information was disclosed) The report "Transparency Report (Transparency Report)" is compiled. The transparency report is published with the purpose of making the Internet more open and safe by allowing the governments to widely inform the fact that user information and requests for hiding the contents exist, etc. .

However, in the United States of the birthplace of TwitterDepartment of Justice (DOJ)Is permitted to disclose in 1000 units but does not permit the publication of accurate figures, and Twitter requests DOJ orFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)We have been negotiating with stakeholders for several years. However, the policy of the United States government does not change at all, and in August 2014, "In early April, sending a draft of the interim report of the transparency report to the Justice Department, information on the listed national security requirements I legally showed why I could not publish and asked me to present the applicable category (legislation), but I have no answer even after more than 90 days have elapsed "Official blogIt was announced at.


In addition, in the blog "We are weighing our legal options to provide more transparency to our users. (Twitter takes advantage of various legal options to provide users with more transparent information) There was also a considerably stepped expression of the contents that it is studying the legal measures of "It's been a while."

At the end of these statements, Twitter who finished boiling work finallyFederal courtThat's why I complained to the US government in search of "freedom to release more accurate information". Similar to Twitter, Google and others have disclosed the number of requests for data deletion and data provision from government agencies, "The number of requests is the largest in the United States, and that number is increasing every year" It is said that information monitoring by government authorities is strengthening from herePointing outThis Twitter case is likely to be noticed as a major influence on the future direction of information disclosure in the United States.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log