Approximately 1.8 million yen prize money will be spent on taking the root of Galaxy S5

Smartphones on sale from NTT docomo and au in Japan "Galaxy S5"Already, such as international models and Korean models,Procedure for rooting various modelsIt is open to the public. However, American careerVerizonWhenAT & TIt is difficult to rootize the model released from the smartphone developer community "Xda-developers"When users asked for contributions to win the takeover of Galaxy S5 's root, a large sum of over 1.8 million yen was gathered.

[BOUNTY] New Root Method Exploit - xda-developers

Sales of Galaxy S5 began in the United States on April 11, 2014, and for models of carriers other than Verizon and AT & T, the method of routing turned out on the day of release date. However, the Galaxy S5 was more restrictive than the previous Galaxy S4, and for the Verizon and AT & T models it was not known even after 6 weeks from the launch method of routing.

Users of xda-developers have finally boiled their business about not knowing how to route, and finallyOpen1your1eyes0"We will award a prize of 500 dollars (about 51,000 yen) to those who revealed the routing of Galaxy S5". Other users contributed to the prize one after another in the proposal of open1your1eyes0. A prize of 17,670 dollars (about 1.8 million yen or more) gathered in about two weeks from the first announcement.

The rules which were decided to get the prize money are the following 4 points.

◆ 01: For the first person who invented or discovered the breakthrough method of VRU1ANCG firmware of Android 4.4.2 necessary to acquire root access
◆ 02: Posted on Thread "Picture or screen shot where breakthrough method found works" and "Detailed explanation of breakthrough method"
◆ 03: Confirmed by at least one other user's test
◆ 04: Exchange prizes with users on private messages

More than 150 users contributed 20 dollars (about 2000 yen) to 2000 dollars (about 200,000 yen) to the prize money. As for the breakdown of the total prize money, Verizon model was 9970 dollars (about 101 million yen), AT & T was 7,700 dollars (about 780,000 yen), but since many thread comments on content that is out of topic content were posted, The thread is currently closed for article writing. However, since the last comment of the thread is "to close until notified", it seems that there is a possibility that it will resume in the future.

in Software,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log