Demon worshipers set up Baphomet images in the Parliament House with investment from Cloud Funding


KickstarterThe KRAND Funding platform is a way to raise funds from a wide range of people through the Internet. It is one such crowdfundingIndiegogoAnd, the devil worship group's "The Satanic TempleDevil with the head of a goat controlling the black masses "BaphometWe are looking for investment to establish the bronze statue of Oklahoma State Capitol Building. The funds exceeding the target amount are obtained, and the production of the demon statue has begun.

Here's the First Look at the New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma's Statehouse | VICE United States

Put a Satanic Monument at OK Capitol | Indiegogo

In January 2014 the devil worshiping group The Satanic Temple held a campaign to raise money for the creation of the "Baphomet statue" built in the lawn area in front of the Oklahoma Parliament Building. By the end of the campaign, it collected 21,880 dollars (about 2,860,000 yen) exceeding the target amount of 20,000 dollars (about 2 million yen), and two children who look up to Baphomet images and devils faithfully, reverse pentagram star Production of the pedestal in which is listed is started. The following photographs are in the process of being produced and will eventually be cast in bronze.

VICE United StatesAccording to Baffomet's series of streams, it was set up in Oklahoma State Capitol in 2012The Ten Commandments of MosesThe monument is the cause, and the American Free Human Rights Association (ACLU) Are repelling and causing a lawsuit, etc. are occurring. The monument itself was set up by Mike Ritz Legislature Pocket Money, but the Satanic Temple who thought "Establishment in the Parliament House is recognized as a state-owned property for donation" is officially set up to install a monument We submitted an application to the state.

ByPrayitno / more than 2.5 millions views: thank you!

In December 2012, Mr. Trait Thompson of the Oklahoma Conservation Parliamentary Preservation CommitteeAgainst CNN"Individuals and groups can apply for free to install statues and art objects", but now the state where the application for setting monuments is suspended. However, Satanic Temple is proceeding with the creation of Baphomet statues without application.

Satanic Temple spokesperson said, "A few months later, we will start planning to set up Baphomet statues in Oklahoma State Capitol for the time the idols are completed. Our application will be completed before Mr. Ritz's monumentary riot begins Since I submitted it, I think that it should be effective. " Also, Ryan Kiesel of ACLU, which is sued against Oklahoma, said, "If the Constitution of the Capitol will continue to be permitted the establishment of a Christian message" Moses' Ten Commandment Monument ", the views of different religions We can not refuse the establishment of the demon statue as "as for the opinion of Satanic Temple although the view is differentAttitude to agreeI am showing you.

Regarding the uproar, Paul Wesselhoft Legislature commented, "The statue of the devil has no historical meaning to be placed in the state of Oklahoma," and "We are legislators who are legislators I think that it is reasonable that the memorial monument "Moses' Ten Commandments", one of the first laws, is set up in the parliament building that creates a demon statue in the parliament building, I deny.

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