As many as 85,000 historical images are on YouTube

Past movies are now mostly out of copyright and can be easily seen on rental DVDs, YouTube, etc. However, the life, history, funny pictures, etc. of the 1930s and 1960sBritish PatheIt is published to YouTube by.

Free: British Pathé Puts Over 85,000 Historical Films on YouTube - Open Culture

Of the more than 85,000 movies published, one example is from the following.

Pearl Harbor Attacked (1941) - YouTube

By the Japanese Army in 1941Pearl Harbor attackThe shooting is done from various angles.

The state of the bombing is well photographed, and the intensity of the attack at that time is more clearly understood because of the black and white image.

This is a picture taken from the ground. It seems that various shooting was done from several angles.

Politicians are showing anger against attacks.

Lady dancing above New York, 300 ft high in 1931 [HD] - YouTube

This picture is a tightrope picture taken in New York in 1931.

Characters entering in the middle of the picture also make me feel the atmosphere at that time.

The thrilling tightrope as well as those who are looking at it seems that there is no mistake that it was popular as entertainment from that time.

Crazy Pygmy - Hilarious Dancing (1937) [HD] - YouTube

This picture was titled "Crazy Pygmy" which was filmed in Australia in 1937.

There are some that are discriminated, and depending on the movie, I also saw a comment "The worst I have ever seen".

Boxing Kangaroos vs Man - YouTube

This picture is boxing between kangaroos and people. Set a boxing glove in a kangaroo ... ...

I will fight with humans. Kangaroos are pretty reaching because of their long hands.

In a state of conflict.

Human beings are eating money due to kangaroos. Kangaroo has no rule of human boxing.

Saucy Striptease the 1950s Way! - YouTube

This picture is a picture of a strip shot in the 1950s.

Women will take off their clothes one after another.

I took off my clothes completely. It seems that popularity has long been long enough to leave behind the pleasant images. The continuation of the pictureYouTubeso.

Cute Little Dogs - Freaky Pekes in Wedding Outfits! - YouTube

Color images also exist, this is one of 1956 years.

A dog is wearing a wedding dress or a tuxedo, and it is cute.

8 Foot Tall Woman! - YouTube

Shot in 1927, 8 Foot Tall Woman! Is a picture taken of a woman of about 2.5 meters.

He measures the height with major.

A child passes under the crotch of a woman, and it is appealing the height.

Though it is possible to see the state of the past with movies etc., there are not many TV programs etc. that can see images of the time, so if you are interestedsiteIt seems interesting to see various images.
British Pathe - YouTube

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log