"Living Piano" a vocalist utters a huge keyboard according to the scale

A piano is usually played by playing a keyboard, and a hammer corresponding to that key plays a string to produce a sound, but when a person gets on a huge keyboard, sounds are made by the vocalists corresponding to the corresponding scale To "Living Piano"Was set up in the French square.

You can appreciate the appearance of playing Living Piano from the following movies.

Le piano vivant / Living Piano - YouTube

In a peaceful French park ......

Materials are being brought in.

Connect wires ...

I am welding with a soldering iron.

The huge keyboard of the piano is set up steadily.

Children are also curious.

The piano is completed. In each of the vocalists, the responsibility of the white keyboard is purple, and the charge of the black keyboard is wearing a black shirt.

One girl among the onlookers was called.

When I step on the keyboard ......

A man whose beard grew voiced the bass with the vibrato.

The couple who I was watching surprised.

When the girl was ordered by the chairman and stepped on various keys, the vocalistsbusFromsopranoI am doing a brilliant voice.

Moderator will also play.

Calling the surrounding children and playing the human piano.

A lot of visitors are gathering.

One moderator is sitting on the keyboard next to the moderator 's stepping on the keyboard, and the other person continues to utter a surprisingly long time.

It seems that the participation of people who are seeing is free.

As the area became dark, the keyboard stepping on started to shine.

She seems to have participated.

Even dogs can play, but when I walk I am surprised that a vocalist utters.

In the endCarmenWas played and concluded with confetti for the vocalists.

Suddenly when such a piano appears in town, it seems to want to play even if it is not a child.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log