A band that knows whether or not you have taken meds properly on a fixed day of the week "Tally"

When I was taking several medicines such as "I drink this medicine on Monday and Wednesday in the morning", "This medicine drinks at night every night", "I remembered that, that yesterday's night was a proper drink ..." Although it is confused, a silicon band made to avoid drinking medicine at such a time, or to avoid accidentally scraping off medication twice is "Tally"is. You do not have to bother to record and record, you can tell at a glance whether you drink medicated or not, at a glance if you look at the bottle.

Quirky - Tally

It is like this when putting Tally in a bottle of medicine. The alphabet of each day such as MONDAY (Monday) Tuesday (Tuesday) etc is stated in the band.

After drinking medicine, fold the protruding part and pull on the hole under the alphabet. This means that you can tell if you drink medicated properly on the specified day just by watching the bottle.

Because it is made of silicone, it stretches and shrinks and fits perfectly to the bottle.

Because there are color variations of red, yellow, blue and three colors, even when you have to take medication several times a day, you can record properly whether there is a drink miss.

There are three sizes, corresponding to bottles of various sizes. Since Tally is currently under consideration for commercialization, details such as price are undecided.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log