Bic camera opens shop on, during limited opening sale

The fifth largest Bic camera in the consumer electronics retail store today opened a shop on As an opening memorial, from June 15th to July 2nd, we are implementing campaigns that will be free shipping for all items, as well as limited quantity specials items.

Bic camera @

Bic camera has opened its own site "Bic camera .com" as an online shop, opened "Bic camera Rakuten Market store" in Rakuten Market, and this shop at is the third shop. We are planning to deal with cameras, PCs, audio products, etc. as it will be possible to deploy to users using Amazon.

BIC camera .com: Now only! "All items Japan free shipping free! "

Bic camera Rakuten Ichiba store: A collection of personal computers, digital cameras, televisions, home appliances shops!

Bic cameras recently,Reveal policy to keep Kojima 6th in the industry under its umbrellaAnd it seems that it is moving greatly over the survival in the industry.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by logc_nt