I feel like a noseplug in a pig, a power tap filled with a mouthpiece

When buying a power strip, although I think that it is better to have more insertion slots, in many cases, since taps are arranged side by side in a row, it got elongated and I was unable to successfully set up where I thought it was There may be some people. A multi-tap with a pig shape that seems to solve such a problem is "Power strip Svintus"is.

Power strip Svintus (concept)

"Power strip Svintus" in the state where nothing is stuck. Since the outlet of the outlet is all round, it looks like a state that there are several noses on the pig's body. Pastel style pink is accelerating pigties more.

When turning over, there is rubber slip in the foot part. The button at the center of the abdomen is a button to shut off the circuit, but exquisite colors are used conscious of the nipple. Also, the power cord of the tap itself daringly shows that it looks like a tail by using the rolled object, the detail is pretty stuck.

It actually looks like this. By the way, this is a concept model, so it seems that the way of practical application is not yet set up. While looking at its cuteness, spherical taps are unusual, so it seems to be compactly summarized power taps that tend to be long in a row.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log