The track between Aomori and Morioka is restored, transportation of fuel and supplies is possible

Although the Tohoku main line and the Joban line, etc. were suffering great damage due to the earthquake, Today, the track between Aomori and Morioka was restored.

Until yesterday I was running a freight train between Tokyo and Aomori through the Sea of ​​Japan side, which made it possible to run trains from Tokyo to Morioka via Aomori, You will be able to deliver it to the earth.

Details are as below.
According to NHK news, the railroad damaged between Aomori and Morioka was restored, and it is said that the train which loaded the aid supplies from Hokkaido will start this evening.

Also, within a day or two, a tank train loaded with fuel from Kanagawa is scheduled to leave for Morioka.

A damaged coastal track.

The road has also recovered considerably,Because tank lorry operation requires a large license and dangerous goods handler qualifications, it is difficult to collect driversAnd that. Fuel shortage such as gasoline is pointed out locally, and it is expected that this will be resolved by restoration of cargo train.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt