A robot toy "HEX BUG Crab (Hex bug club)" start movie whose crab's leg movement has been reproduced realistically

I bought a crab-shaped HEX BUG from Bandai and tried to move it because the new product of insect-type robot "HEX BUG" series will be released on Saturday, August 9. It is just a crab itself, and it seems a little uncomfortable for people who are not good at seeing the legs of arthropods, so please be careful how multiple feet move with choco choco.

Details are as below. On the back of the box is a description of the action.

Crabs that came out of the box.

Ventral side is like this. It looks like a crab from here as well.

The switch is on the back.

That is why I started it at once.

I also tried the action of stopping when it gets in the dark like a real crab.

In addition to the red "HEX BUG Crab" introduced above, blue crabs are also released at the same time, the price is 2635 yen (tax included) each. Details of the crab robot can be seen from the official website below.

HEX BUG Crab (Hex Bug Club) / HEX BUG Crab

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log