200 beautiful natural beautiful wallpapers to relax

Wallpapers of natural beauty such as refreshing waterfalls and rocks feeling eternal time are gathered for each genre. By changing the wallpaper that suits the summer, the unpleasantly hot weather may be interrupted.

Details are as below.UsingMac - 200 Mind - Blowing Nature Wallpapers

The genre is Aurora,Anemone fish (saltwater fish), Rocks and waterfalls, each with 50 pieces of wallpaper. The following is an example.

·waterfall:There are various things from famous things that are sightseeing spots to something like being taken in a secret environment.

·rock:A scenery with rocks that goodness will be known every age.

· Aurora:Besides nature's aurora, CG is also increasing.

· Anemone fish:movies"Finding Nemo"It is a fish which also became the model of the hero of vivid colors.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log