Three simple ways to activate the brain

There are various ways to activate the brain, but I think it is difficult to make it long lasting. There are three simple ways that you can manage to manage it anyway.

Details are as follows.
3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Brain Power - Dumb Little Man

1. Change the position of the left and right of the mouse pad
By changing the position of the mouse pad, you will have to use the hand that is not your dominant hand. This seems to stimulate nerves between the left and right brains. People who use both hands in the same way have scientific research results that there are more than 10% of nerve fibers connecting the left and right brains.

2. I remember with spirit (to memorize)
This is exactly when you want to remember the song being played, old knowledge. What to do when you can not remember it, probably listening to a nearby friend and thinking that when you know the answer it will be "Oh, yes you do". Let's remember with such a spirit if there is such a thing next time. It seems that the brain is also stimulated so that muscle strength increases as muscle exercises more violently.

3. Play a game with a head
There is no need to solve mathematical Olympic problems, Sudoku and crossword are good. It seems that it is very important to do it on a daily basis. For example, do crosswords with a commuter train, and do chess in 15 minutes before working everyday.

If it was about this, I could manage to do it. In particular, "3"Nintendo DS's "Brain Train"And I think that it is very easy to do.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log