A picture of the universe taken from Endeavor by the latest mission

It is a picture of the universe taken from Endeavor by the latest mission. It seems that the main mission was to assemble the International Space Station, and there are many pictures of the activities of the spacewalk. By the way, the space shuttle plan seems to be finished in 2010.

Details are as below. I wonder if the upper part of the photo is rusty?
iss015e21340.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

It is the back side of the space shuttle that I do not see much
iss015e21674.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

It is fully open.
iss015e21711.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

I can see the person in the driver's seat
iss015e21944.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

It looks like CG
iss015e22323.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

It is a material exposure experiment equipment, but it looks like a cosmetic product.
iss015e22410.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

International Space StationMaintaining
iss015e22539.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

Docking with International Space Station
iss015e22575.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

Italy and the International Space Station
Photo-s 118e 07124

It floats cleanly
s118e06304.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

I am doing my best considerably.
s118e06998.jpg (JPEG image, 3032x2064 px)

I can not see any stars. It is pitch black.
s118e07033.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

It is Hurricane Dean near Jamaica
s118e07918.jpg (JPEG image, 3032 x 2064 px)

Ground troops. There are quite a few people.
jsc2007e043833.jpg (JPEG image, 3000 x 2250 px)

The original image of NASA is fairly large in size (3032 × 2064 pixels) and it is spectacular.
Photo Index 1

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log