Convenience store "Kwik-E-Mart" appearing in The Simpsons appeared in the real world

A convenience store named "Kwik-E-Mart (Quick E Mart)" appears in the animation "The Simpsons" produced by America · FOX TV, but that convenience store appeared in the real world. It is not a piece made of the material, but part of the promotion in accordance with the movie release in the US, originally seems to be a store of Seven Eleven.

Details are as follows.
Distant view.

Management aware.

The Simpsons character welcomes you in the shop. This is Homer.

Maggie is climbing in such a place.

Merge seems to have finished shopping.

Bart was on the roof with Millhouse. I could not find the appearance of Lisa.

Jasper is put in the freezer next to Wigham chief.

There seems to be a three-dimensional Bart and merge depending on the store.

Bazukola etc, all the items that appear in the work are available.

Poisonous pink donuts Wigham is holding.

Parking is 5 minutes outside the shop. The offender is said to be executed.

Other pictures can be seen from the following.

Kwik-E-Mart - a photoset on Flickr

A good day for a Squishee - a photoset on Flickr

Kwik-E-Mart Bladensburg July 01 07 - a photoset on Flickr

Simpsons Movie Kwik-E-Mart Mirror

The television station came to interview.
YouTube - Real Life Kwik-e-Mart (Simpsons) in Burbank CA

A store different from the ones above.
YouTube - Real Life Kwik-E Mart (Simpons)

The official site of The Simpsons is below.

FOX Broadcasting Company: The Simpsons


The movie "The Simpsons" is going to be released in the United States from July 27 and will be made public in Japan in winter 2007.

in Note,   Video, Posted by logc_nt