How to spend a tremendous amount of time on "Shutdown Day" without using a computer

It is said that tomorrow, March 24th is "Shutdown Day" which spends all day away from the PC. Computer is an indispensable existence now in the daily life, but it is a day to experiment whether it is really possible to spend a whole day away.

And for people who can not leave the computer, movies that explain how you can stop using the personal computer and spend the whole day are introduced, but you can do curling or snowboarding with a laptop computer or play tennis It uses rackets and basketball instead of rakettes, which makes it a terrible content.

Details are as follows.
YouTube - Shutdown Day 2007 - Alternative Uses for your Laptop

The more you see it the ridiculous content ....

According to the following official website, those answering "It is possible" to stay away from the PC in shutdown day are 52786 people at the time of 16:25 on March 23, answering "I can not" It seems that 8278 people are doing it. I can not do it.

Shutdown Day

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log