Screensaver using abstract animation "Electric sheep"

Screensaver "Electric sheep" to create abstract animation using morphing etc. Although somehow understood from the name, it seems that it was made as a tribute to Philip K. Dick SF novel "Android dreams of electric sheep?" It seems that many patterns can be created by downloading data called sheep from the net.

Details are as follows.The electric sheep screen-saver

You can download from "stable version" part of "download".

Double click the "electricsheep - 2.6.6.exe" you downloaded to launch the installer. Click "Next".

Click "I Agree".

Also click "I Agree".

Determine the name and sheep data storage location. Other than sheep's directory can be changed later.

You will be asked if Electric sheep should be the standard screen saver. If you want to immediately turn on Electric sheep, click "Yes".

This completes the installation. The rest setting is done from the screen setting screensaver tab.

I opened the "Slectric sheep" setting on the screen saver tab. It is recommended that the size of the cache be 1000 MB or more. It seems that BitTorrent can be used to download sheep.

In addition, Electric sheep It takes a little bit of time as sheep data is downloaded at the first startup. Here is a sample of what kind of screensaver it is.

Electric sheep - sample

This is a particularly beautiful sample around here.

Flock 198

Mac OS X seems to be able to use the Japanese version of the link below.

Electric Sheep | Bridge 1 Software

The following is about "Android dream of electric sheep?" Which became the trigger of screensaver production.

Does Android Dream of Electric Sheep? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log